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How to Care for Your Wig

Whether human hair or synthetic hair, here are the ins and outs of caring for your wig or hairpiece!

After carefully selecting a wig that suits your style and needs, it's vital to care for it properly. 

Knowing how to properly care for your wig, regardless of its style or hair type, is integral in extending the life of the wig. That means you can hold onto it and wear it longer. Here's a brief guide to caring for each type of wig: human hair and synthetic. 

Caring for Human Hair Wigs: DO's

Before you wash your human hair wig:

  1. Make sure you gently shake out the tangles, work your fingers through it, or detangle it using a wide-tooth comb.
  2. Rinse the wig under running, cold water, and select a color-safe shampoo.
  3. Gently massage the shampoo into the wig, from roots all the way to the tips of the wig.
  4. Rinse with more cold water and squeeze out the water with your hands.
  5. Repeat the same step with a color-safe conditioner but let the conditioner soak for about a minute after applying it to the hair.
  6. Let your wig air dry on a wig stand for the best outcome. 

Caring for Human Hair Wigs: DON'Ts

Do not wash your human hair wig in hot water. It can harm the wig, affect the look of the wig, and may also damage the cap construction. You should also avoid combing or brushing a human hair wig when it is wet to avoid ruining it. With all wigs, it's best not to be too rough with your hairpiece. That means no harsh brushing, tugging, or pulling on knots. 

Caring for Synthetic Hair Wigs: DO's

Before shampooing your synthetic hair wig: 

  1. Gently brush through it dry to remove tangles and product buildup.
  2. Then, use water and a specialized synthetic wig shampoo made for wig fibers. These specialty wig shampoos help elongate the life of your wig.
  3. Similarly, it's best to follow up with a specific wig conditioner for synthetic fibers. Wig conditioners also do well to keep up the natural pattern and texture of the synthetic hair. 
  4. After complete washing and conditioning, place your synthetic hair wig on a wig stand to air dry. 

Caring for Synthetic Hair Wigs: DON'Ts

There are a few behaviors to avoid when caring for your synthetic hair wig. First, as with human hair wigs, do not brush, comb, or style your wig when it is wet. You should also avoid using hot water or heat from styling tools unless your hairpiece has "heat-friendly" fibers. 

Caring for your wig can do wonders for its overall look and how long it lasts. Follow these dos and don'ts, and you'll get the most out of any hairpiece you invest in.



How to Care for Your Wig